Wednesday, January 20, 2010

My Son: Eco-Friendly and Proud!

This morning I was so proud of my son and his eco-friendly ways.

His preschool was celebrating the 100th day of school today, so he had to bring in 100 small items to add to the classroom's collection. We decided to do pennies, and as we counted them out, we placed them in a small Tupperware container. At the end, he says, "The teacher says we have to put them in a plastic baggie."

Always one to follow instructions, I start looking for a bag when he says, "But we don't use plastic bags, Mom." I was so proud to hear that my "conservative" ways are actually rubbing off on him!

When we got to school, I felt silly because I could see why they requested everything to be placed in plastic baggies...they were taping them to a board for the display, and well, you can't tape a Tupperware container that way. Fortunately, the school had enough plastic bags to just transfer his pennies and return our container to us, which is great!'s little moments like these that make me love being a mom! :)

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