Sunday, April 4, 2010

BYOB: Baygs Made From Old T-Shirts

Got old t-shirts hanging around? Well, instead of tossing them, why not make your own reusable produce / bulk food bags?

I've been searching for the perfect alternative to plastic produce bags for months, but everything I've seen so far has been rather expensive. In the video below, Ame Guseman from the Alameda Farmer's Market shows us how you can make your own "Baygs."

Looks like I might want to invest in a sewing machine after all!

Do you sew using recycled clothing? What kinds of items have you made?


  1. So effing clever! I may actually do this!

  2. I've made a cat costume for my daughter's halloween costume from a long sleeve t-shirt, a modified tank top (2 actually), and a grocery bag (not yet finished)... :)
